Focus On Growing Your Business With QUICK LOCK

We help you to get EMI's on time without any long process.

Welcome To Quick Lock

We Are Serving The Best Services For You

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  • Feedback and Improvement

About Us

Quick Lock is which hepls retailor to recover their payments to customer and With our application you can start financing at peace. You can keep control of the financed handset at your fingertips.

Our Mission

Our mission is to forge a positive impact by fostering connections through innovative solutions, thereby amplifying the joy in the market. We believe in the transformative power of connecting minds, and through our commitment to innovation, we strive to bring about positive change and elevate the overall experience for everyone involved.

Our Plan

Our plan is to cultivate a passionate working culture driven by a combination of hard work and smart work. We aim to expand our reach across India by establishing a network that includes National, Super Stockists, Distributors, and Dealers. Through dedication and a commitment to excellence, we aspire to create a robust ecosystem that not only promotes our products but also creates mutually beneficial partnerships.

Our Vision

Our vision is to offer clients a profound sense of peace of mind through our innovative product, Quick Lock. We are dedicated to providing solutions that bring ease and joy to our customers' lives amidst today's mundane routines. Our commitment lies in the creation of innovative products that go beyond functionality, aiming to simplify and enhance the daily experiences of our clients.

Our Care

Our Care" embodies a commitment to being a steadfast presence for you in every situation. No matter the circumstances, we are dedicated to providing unwavering support, assistance, and guidance. Our commitment to care goes beyond products or services – it's a promise to stand by you whenever you need help.

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Hard Workers

Our Features

What Features We Offers

Device Lock/Unlock

In this feature you can able to lock/unlock the phones.

User Agreement

User agreements are legally binding and typically cover various aspects.

Offline Lock/Unlock

In this feature you can able to lock phones even when the phone is not in a range of wifi or mobile data.

EMI Reminders

These reminders typically include information about the upcoming payment.

Get Location

If a customer is not paying EMI payments, it's recommended to follow legal and ethical procedures to address the issue.

Reset Password

The feature where retailers can reset the cutomer mobile screen password if EMI is due.

App Interface

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Goverment Authorized Certificate

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+91 8010974399

Head Office

Nagpur, Maharashtra